Reiki: A Deeper Perspective
Reiki: The Spiritual Energy Healing System
Rei (ray) translations: the spiritual aspect of being human, soul, divine, mysterious, pure
Ki (kee) translations: invisible life-force, mind, vital energy connected to breath
The system of Reiki is based on five elements of practice: spiritual development and mental focus, meditation and techniques, mantras and symbols, reijus (blessings) and attunements, and hands-on healing. The Reiki Precepts (principles) are central to the practice:
For TODAY Only:
Do Not Anger
Do Not Worry
Be Grateful
Be True To Your Way and Being
Be Compassionate to Yourself and Others
The practice is actually quite simple (not necessarily easy). Through it we learn to connect with our great, bright, inner light. This is our divine birthright.
“Because Reiki Therapy improves self-healing ability by using the spiritual energy coming from your own body, it’s safe and anyone can do it.” – Usui Reiki Therapy Association Headquarters Chairman Toyokazu Kazuwa, September 1974 (from Reiki Ryoho no Shiori booklet distributed by the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai – an association which started in the early 1920’s in Japan)
Benefits of Reiki
How many of us go through our day with our nervous system in fight-or-flight response and on adrenal overload? While we must have this response in times of true danger, our bodies cannot sustain it as a perpetual state of being.
Reiki activates the parasympathetic nervous system to take the body to a state of rest and rejuvenation. It is in this state that the body can begin to release emotional and physical imbalances so that it can be restored to a balanced state. It is in this state of being that one may experience the calm, centered quality that most of us crave.
Reiki can facilitate micro changes to alleviate stress, anxiety, tension, and insomnia. Reiki can also facilitate macro changes in one’s state by releasing old, stagnant, or dense energy that can be stored deep in the body for months, years or even decades. The accumulated effect of chronic stress, avoidance patterns, and isolated or repetitive trauma can be dealt with when we are ready. When we hold worn out habits and patterns that no longer serve us, or try to carry someone else’s burdens (physical, emotional and/or spiritual) our energy field and physical body will get bogged down and blocked causing the feeling of dis-ease, which can ultimately lead to general aches and pains, chronic illness or even disease. Changing this state of being does not have to take years or be complex. Reiki is simple and available to everyone.
The beautiful gift with Reiki is that the more we access this calm state, the easier it becomes! I believe this is our natural state of being, the one that works for our highest and greatest good.
Reiki and High Sensitivity
Have you been told you are too sensitive, feel too much, or that you wear your heart on your sleeve? Can you feel others’ emotions, pain or saddness? Does a trip to the store exhaust you? Do you avoid social spaces because you get overwhelmed or anxious?
Those of us who experience high sensitivity may be easily exhausted by “normal” day-to-day tasks that happen in public spaces. We may decide it is easier to isolate ourselves rather than explore this effect. Or we may learn to suppress our emotions; as we are often asked “what is wrong with you?” by others who may be uncomfortable if we share what we are sensing and feeling. Worse yet, we may turn that criticism inward in hopes that we can identify what exactly is wrong with us so that we can conform to external expectations and be socially accepted.
I am here to tell you that you are perfect the way you are! In fact, I would offer that having this sixth sense, or high sense perception is a gift. While it does take awareness and effort to integrate, and you will need to discover the tools that work for you to manage the extraordinary experiences that come with having this gift, it is a worthwhile endeavor. And Reiki is a natural place to start your journey!