Reiki Training
Shoden I: Beginner Teachings
Begin your Reiki path to self-discovery. Learn the history of Reiki, the foundation and elements of the System of Reiki, and Reiki meditations and techniques. Learn Reiki for self-healing, how and why to develop your personal practice, and basics of hands-on practice for working with others. Receive Reiki Level I Attunements and Certificate of Completion.
No Prerequisite Required
UPCOMING: 4-week in-person class series, every Wednesday beginning January 29th to February 19th, 5:30p to 8:30p
2-day in-person weekend class, March 8th & 9th from 9:30a to 4p
Okuden II: Inner Teachings
Continue on your Reiki path to discover the teachings hidden within. Learn Reiki mantras and symbols, and how to practice Reiki remotely. Continue to develop your personal Reiki practice with meditation, techniques, and hands-on practice; explore what it means to share Reiki with others professionally. Receive Reiki Level II Attunements and Certificate of Completion.
Prerequisite of Shoden I Required
Shinpiden III: Mystery Teachings
These teachings offer a connection with your inner light and true nature. Explore the universal, infinite, pure spiritual energy. When we honor ourselves through our committment to our practice of the System of Reiki, we begin to see and experience the mysteries of the universe. Learn to flow in harmony with your unique timing and experience as you continue your personal, and perhaps professional, Reiki practice. Receive Reiki Level III Attunement and Certificate of Completion.
Prerequisite of Shoden I and Okuden II Required
What to expect: TRANSFORM, HEAL, and EVOLVE in this sacred space
Welcome to the beginning of YOUR journey with Reiki! Your Reiki training starts with self-discovery and learning to tend to, care for, and heal yourself first. The System of Reiki is a Spiritual Energy Healing Method that begins and develops from within. Your Reiki journey is unique to you and on your own timeline. You will grow into the next level when you are ready.
Payment is due upon registration; Payment MUST be received one day PRIOR to the first day of training. Cash, Check or Venmo Accepted. You will receive more information regarding payment process upon registration. No Refunds; Credit may be applied to future trainings of the same level.
As a Complementary and Alternative Health Care Practitioner, I am not licensed, certified, or registered by the State of Colorado as a health care professional. I am not a licensed medical physician and do not diagnose, treat, or prescribe remedies for the treatment of disease. The services I perform, whether in person, online or by phone, are at all times restricted to complementary and alternative health care services intended for the maintenance of the best possible state of general well-being.
The services I offer are not intended to be a substitute for medical or psychological treatment, and do not replace the services of health care professionals. You agree and understand it is your responsibility to consult with your health care provider for any specific health care problems.